"Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe."
I have made a tool which can be used to test the theory. Most of the words that the tool produced were a lot harder to read than the quote, so I am guessing that the theory is not very accurate. Perhaps it is the specific ordering of letters in the quote which makes it easier to read?
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
While working on a programming project I ended up making a new 7 bit character set, similar to ASCII. I am not sure if such a character set has been made before, but this represents all the characters which can be entered with a standard QWERTY keyboard.
qwercs - The QWERTY Character Set
qwercs - The QWERTY Character Set
Oct Dec Hex Char Oct Dec Hex Char
000 0 00 Esc 100 64 40 }
001 1 01 F1 101 65 41 002 2 02 F2 102 66 42 |
003 3 03 F3 103 67 43 a
004 4 04 F4 104 68 44 A
005 5 05 F5 105 69 45 s
006 6 06 F6 106 70 46 S
007 7 07 F7 107 71 47 d
010 8 08 F8 110 72 48 D
011 9 09 F9 111 73 49 f
012 10 0A F10 112 74 4A F
013 11 0B F11 113 75 4B g
014 12 0C F12 114 76 4C G
015 13 0D ` 115 77 4D h
016 14 0E ~ 116 78 4E H
017 15 0F 1 117 79 4F j
020 16 10 ! 120 80 50 J
021 17 11 2 121 81 51 k
022 18 12 @ 122 82 52 K
023 19 13 3 123 83 53 l
024 20 14 # 124 84 54 L
025 21 15 4 125 85 55 ;
026 22 16 $ 126 86 56 :
027 23 17 5 127 87 57 '
030 24 18 % 130 88 58 "
031 25 19 6 131 89 59 Enter
032 26 1A ^ 132 90 5A Left Shift
033 27 1B 7 133 91 5B z
034 28 1C & 134 92 5C Z
035 29 1D 8 135 93 5D x
036 30 1E * 136 94 5E X
037 31 1F 9 137 95 5F c
040 32 20 ( 140 96 60 C
041 33 21 0 141 97 61 v
042 34 22 ) 142 98 62 V
043 35 23 - 143 99 63 b
044 36 24 _ 144 100 64 B
045 37 25 = 145 101 65 n
046 38 26 + 146 102 66 N
047 39 27 Backspace 147 103 67 m
050 40 28 Tab 150 104 68 M
051 41 29 q 151 105 69 ,
052 42 2A Q 152 106 6A <>
055 45 2D e 155 109 6D /
056 46 2E E 156 110 6E ?
057 47 2F r 157 111 6F Right Shift
060 48 30 R 160 112 70 Left Ctrl
061 49 31 t 161 113 71 Super Key
062 50 32 T 162 114 72 Left Alt
063 51 33 y 163 115 73 Space
064 52 34 Y 164 116 74 Right Alt
065 53 35 u 165 117 75 Right Ctrl
066 54 36 U 166 118 76 Insert
067 55 37 i 167 119 77 Home
070 56 38 I 170 120 78 Page Up
071 57 39 o 171 121 79 Delete
072 58 3A O 172 122 7A End
073 59 3B p 173 123 7B Page Down
074 60 3C P 174 124 7C Up
075 61 3D [ 175 125 7D Left
076 62 3E { 176 126 7E Down
077 63 3F ] 177 127 7F Right
I made it to Indonesia with relatively few problems. In Vancouver I had some difficulty getting my luggage checked. Both my suitcases were over 10 kilograms above the weight limit. I ended up taking out my desktop and a few CD cases to take as carry ons. Even after taking out the items, the suitcases were still slightly above the limit, but they let the bags through anyway. My only problem then was that there is a limit of one carry on which has to be below 5 kilograms. I had a desktop computer and a large backpack, which were over 10 kilograms each. I continued on with the trip, and luckily nobody stopped me from taking my carry ons.
There was hardly any turbulence the whole trip. I think the seatbelt sign came on a total of five times. I was very impressed with the airport in Kuala Lampur. One of the coolest structures I have seen in a while, and everything was really clean and organized. The airport in LA was not nearly as impressive. It was crowded, confusing, and not very attractive.
I have now been in Indonesia for almost 48 hours. I am very pleased with the house, and my computer is still working. Indonesia seems to be very similar to Thailand, although there are an excessive number of cats roaming the streets for some reason. One potential problem I have encountered is that very few people here seem to know English - which makes communication difficult. Here is a gallery of a few pictures I have taken in Indonesia so far.
Four out of five of my grades are now online. They turned out much better than I expected. I still don't know how I did on Electrical Engineering, so I am going to be anxiously checking my grades over the next few days.
There was hardly any turbulence the whole trip. I think the seatbelt sign came on a total of five times. I was very impressed with the airport in Kuala Lampur. One of the coolest structures I have seen in a while, and everything was really clean and organized. The airport in LA was not nearly as impressive. It was crowded, confusing, and not very attractive.
I have now been in Indonesia for almost 48 hours. I am very pleased with the house, and my computer is still working. Indonesia seems to be very similar to Thailand, although there are an excessive number of cats roaming the streets for some reason. One potential problem I have encountered is that very few people here seem to know English - which makes communication difficult. Here is a gallery of a few pictures I have taken in Indonesia so far.
Four out of five of my grades are now online. They turned out much better than I expected. I still don't know how I did on Electrical Engineering, so I am going to be anxiously checking my grades over the next few days.