Cryptomni is a program which can encrypt and decrypt files using the one-time pad cipher. A key file is created using the cryptographically strong random number generator SecureRandom. If a key is truly random, kept secret, and never reused, this encryption algorithm can be proven to be unbreakable.
This project is hosted at SourceForge.net, and can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/cryptomni.
Would it be possible to select a pre-existing file, then use that as the pad size? I know the point of one-times is to have a predetermined pad in the possession of all authorized people, then they can encrypt any message they want at a (much) later date. But having the size selection like that seems rather "kludgy". More of a user interface design thing than an operation thing.
Yeah, that seems like a logical feature addition. Lucky for you, this is an open source project so you can add the feature yourself! Or, if you are feeling lazy, you could file an official feature request on SourceForge and wait to see if some other developer decides to implement it.
Last time I filed something on Sourceforge, it was a patch, for ed2k_hash to support AMD64 architectures. Unfortunately, the developers have let that project stagnate and the patch hasn't been accepted (or rejected) yet. Do you promise not to let this project stagnate?
"Do you promise not to let this project stagnate?" All projects will eventually stagnate. I will probably maintain my interest in Cryptomni as long as people continue to download it.
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